We are supporting the struggles of indigenous stewards to protect more than 5 million acres of their ancestral rainforest homelands.
Wilderness. Primary rainforest. Biodiversity hotspot. Carbon sink. National park. Oil concession. These are all phrases used by journalists, scientists, activists, oil companies and governments to describe the ancestral territory of the Kofan, Secoya, Siona and Waorani peoples of Ecuador’s northern Amazon.
For indigenous peoples this territory is their home.
In the Amazon rainforest, indigenous territory provides food, medicine, and shelter; harbors stories and history; and forms the basis for indigenous cosmovision, spirituality, and education. The physical and cultural survival of indigenous peoples depends upon vast, healthy and well protected territories.
We believe that indigenous peoples have the right to protect their rainforest homes from any and all external threats – whether from oil, logging, industrial agriculture, roads, or colonization. We are committed to supporting the struggle of indigenous peoples in the Amazon to live well and healthy in their rainforest territories.