We are supporting the struggles of indigenous families to ensure access to clean water and renewable energy.
For more than half-a-century the Kofan, Siona, Secoya and Waorani peoples of the Amazon have lived downriver from Ecuador’s largest oil fields, which have contaminated their rivers and creeks and gravely impacted their health, while enriching the oil industry and providing fuel for the automobiles of modern society.
We recognize the injustice of this situation, and as a team – comprised of internationals raised in the cities of western civilization – we are committed to reimagining how we can honestly and effectively support indigenous struggles in the globalized world of the 21st century.
Our focus on “Building Solutions” is not about quick technological fixes, nor the naïve belief in the power of “good intentions” to resolve a deep human, health, social and environmental crisis, but rather, about working side-by-side with indigenous peoples struggling to secure life’s basic necessities in a forest imperiled by the industrial frontier.